Create a blog by Hexo.

This article is made for self using in the future. Since I am an amatur and just want to own a personal blog.
All the actions in this article have been tried by me and are necessary and effective.
Thanks to the authors of the videos and articles cited in this article. All I did based on Hexo was from their sharings, especially Codesheep and 程序员茶社.

1. A holistic view of Hexo blog

Hexo itself made a very good introduction, and following with detail operations to guide the installation and using Hexo. Besides, the videos mentioned above and the article helped to install and initiate Hexo hand by hand.
In a word, Hexo is based on Node.js and git.

1). Download and install Git

2). Apply a Github account and using Git to generate and SSH keys to deploy works to Github.

3). Download and install Node.js by following the default instrcutions.

4). Download the Visual Studio Code in Microsoft store or the official website.

2. Installation of Node.js and Git

1). Install Node.js


You can find a lot of the very good instructions online to show you how to install Node.js, but all of them have the same characteristic which is asking you to follow the default instruction from Node.js
For the operation commands and troubleshooting guide of Node.js, see the related information on the official website

2). Install Git

"Git install"

The best way to install Git is always following the offical guide, it is easier when some good soul listed the detailed operations for reference.

To Git, the problem for rookies isn’t how to install it, but how to sign up for an account on Github, and global the accout with the SSH keys for the connection with Github.
Then the following codes are necessary after login the github account.


$ git init
$ git config --global "user name"
$ git config --global ""
$ git config -l
$ ssh-keygen-t rsa -C ""

Following the instructions by RUNOOB.COM to paste the SSH keys in ““ in Github “SSH and GPG KEYS” page. (It is easier to find files with Everything)


3. Install Hexo and Initation

Now, it’s time to use CMD command or GIT to create a Hexo blog by following the listed commands:
1). Install Hexo

$ npm install -g hexo-cli

2). Update the Hexo to the newest version

$ npm update hexo -g

Then there will be a folder named “Blog“, in it will be the listed folders:
snap blog

4. Hexo operation commands

Only a few commands will be used usually:

$ hexo clean
$ hexo g
$ hexo s
$ hexo d
$ hexo new <title>

The explanation for different letters are:

g: generate;
s: server
d: deploy

5. Hexo themes download and use

1). Search the fancy theme on Hexo official website.
2). Login the to find the repository and download with GIT by the following code.

$ git clone themes/yilia


3). Open the _config.yml by VS code and change the theme to yilia, like below:

theme: yilia

4). In the deploy item of _config.yml still under blog folder, make some changes as follows:

type: git
branch: master

6. Visual Studio Code

1). Find the training video from Bilibili by 想变强的语汐.
2). Find the training video from Bilibili by 偶尔有点小迷糊

Hello, my first blog!

1. Do I need a personal blog?

After a busy afternoon, I got my first blog website by hexo😁. Without any hesitate, I try to type my first blog. Then suddenly, a question knocked, do I need a personal blog? Maybe, exactly do I have time to maintain a personal blog in future?
I am not an IT engineer but a scientist in Chemistry. I am continue serving in a foreign company after 10 years of work. It locates in Shanghai, belongs to the industry of cosmetics. So all my works relate to the formulation science, and the best actives and the functional activity would it be when be used on skin as a formula.
I never thought that one day I will do an IT work, untill the day when AI came and taken the world in a lightening speed. Then Bigdata,Digitalizaiton, Machine Learning, AI, and Algorithm are everywhere. I started to believe that many of my work could be based on Bigdata. Even worse, I started studying statistics and programming.
Then I found everything start to be interesting in my daily work, especially when I started to manage people. It is not only the daily work but also the mind need to changed. I continued to take managing classes and tried to change the working style with real collaboration, hoping each one in the team can take a role and contribute to project everywhere, anytime…
Too many and too much, with time flies, I forgot my original vision, lost my passion and desire. I found I cannot even speak out in a minute of what I am doing but the trivals.

I don’t know. But I will try to do my best.

2. How do I work with it?

Fortinately, I am in the new year holiday. I have time to think how to decorate it before the real work. I think I would like to use this blog as a personal record of the daily works and thinking. 5 catelogues would be separated in this blog and listed blow:

  1. Data analysis
  2. Lipids analysis
  3. Cosmetics & Skincare
  4. Manage a team
  5. Reading note

Now, it’s the time, go and make it look better!

You need to set client_id and slot_id to show this AD unit. Please set it in _config.yml.